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Clean Architecture Study - Part 2
In our previous installment of the Clean Architecture Study we implemented the first of our initial requirements:
A user can create an event A user can propose dates and times for the event A user can invite others to indicate their availability on the proposed dates an times This installment continues with the second requirement ‘A user can propose dates and times for the event’. As with the other domain code we will start with the test first:
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Clean Architecture Study - Part 1
For quite some time I have been a fan of Clean Architecture. I used in in several projects and found that it made my live as a developer a lot easier. To enable myself to play around with, and study, different techniques and technologies and want to create a series of projects around this Clean Architecture. In this post we will start of with the first part, where we set up our initial development structure, including initial domain model and tests.
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Move to Hugo
As stated in my previous, and also first, post, I moved to a static website generator named Jekyll. But after struggling on and to start fully working with it I decided to move away from it and move to Hugo as my website generator. This was mainly because setting up the Jekyll environment within Ruby on Windows was not as straightforward as I wanted. To get started with Hugo, at least for installing it, using te excellent Windows package manager Chocolatey, I just had to do:
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